EPTDA welcomes Scaravella F.lli Srl as its new member
Scaravella is a leading manufacturer of ball screws. The company was founded in 1975 and [...]
Lucian Linte2023-04-14T16:11:42+02:0014 April 2023|Categories: EPTDA News|Tags: Ball screw, Scaravella F.lli Srl, Italy, Manufacturer|
Scaravella is a leading manufacturer of ball screws. The company was founded in 1975 and [...]
Lucian Linte2022-01-25T15:50:11+01:0025 January 2022|Categories: EPTDA News|Tags: MAV, Italy, Company, Manufacturer, New Members|
MAV, established in 1989, designs and produces keyless locking devices, shrink discs and rigid couplings. [...]
Lucian Linte2022-01-20T15:24:08+01:0020 January 2022|Categories: Members News|Tags: Automation, Linear motion, Motion technology, Acquisition, Italy, Nadella Group, Damo Srl, Industrial Systems, Manufacturer|
Damo Srl, designing and manufacturing Linear Motion and Automation solutions such as Linear Modules, Cartesian [...]