ABCO has been around since 1981 when they were initially called Airport Bearing Co Ltd.

The company began its life in and old shop near East Midland Airport, in the village of Kegworth. But the company was established in 1978 by Andrew Gibson (ex SKF and Wide Range). Later, James Gibson (son) took over the ownership in 2019. After a challenging 2020 with the Covid pandemic, the business came out in a strong position and subsequently took over City Bearings & Transmissions Ltd in February 2021. ABCO now has 2 stocking locations (Nottingham & Derby), as well as a presence in Lincoln. ABCO are also members of the IADA network and are heavily involved in the management of the group.

ABCO represent many major brands directly (Festo – Tsubaki – Schaeffler – NTN etc) and see the expansion of these relationships as a key driver for growth moving forward.

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