Education and training are among the most pressing needs of our times, where PT/MC industry professionals are constantly striving to be more competitive, innovative, efficient and successful.
Since 2007, EPTDA’s Leaders, with the support of the Distribution Development Committee and the Manufacturer Council, have strengthened the association’s strategic focus on education and training as one of its main priorities. EPTDA is now opening up new pathways to relevant, leading-edge education.
During the EPTDA Annual Business Conventions, on an average, some 350 delegates from over 34 countries gather for three days of business, education and networking. One of the most valued aspects is therefore having access to up-to-date, business-oriented insights and facts, new theories and concepts that raise questions and ideas in entrepreneurial minds.
This is the purpose of the sessions featured in the Convention program as Opening and Closing Keynote Addresses, Future Leaders Seminar and Executive Seminar. World-class speakers are engaging the audience with topics concerning reinvented capitalism, the ultra-modern firm, communication, profit maximization, e-commerce and many others.
The Executive Development seminars address industry-related topics that help participants enhance their business expertise and leadership skills. The program offers hands-on insight into business practices and provides a pragmatic view of the challenges ahead. The format of these seminars allows direct interaction with the guest speakers, while also featuring high-profile networking opportunities guaranteeing a quality learning experience in a time- and cost-effective way. The most recent seminars have focused on communication, technical maintenance as part of the distribution model, wind energy, customer service and innovation, and have generated great value and good feedback from the attendees.
The Executive Development seminars are held during the Leadership Conference in March, when EPTDA volunteers gather for the bi-annual Board and Committee meetings. The seminars are open to all EPTDA members, as an additional opportunity to gain practical knowledge and network with other members.
One of EPTDA’s main objectives is to establish a defined leadership community inside the association and industry. Young business potentials become more involved in the association’s volunteer work and committees’ decisions, and can help positively influence the future course and shape of the industry.