Our world – and our industry – has changed forever
Please join your EPTDA Future Leader colleagues for a series of virtual meetings to network and learn the latest thinking and insight on how leading companies are rebuilding their leadership and communication methods, sales teams and operations to be stronger in the future. Our first two will take place the 15th and 29th of July, 15:00-17:00 CET.
Now more than ever, it’s important to stay in touch with what other companies and industry leaders are doing to reshape their value to customers, sell and engage in new ways, and work effectively as a team together. Here are topics we will discuss in July, and you will have a chance to discuss other challenges your team is trying to solve as well:
Rebuilding sales teams for remote selling/video consulting
Leadership in a remote workplace: trust, motivation, teamwork, communication
Ideas to get your team to be more customer focused: services, digital, etc.
Digital platforms and sales models for the Next Normal: communication, training, value-added services
You will find new ideas and learn what others are doing differently today in these meetings, which will combine some presentation but also group discussion to compare notes and help solve common leadership challenges. Facilitated by Tom Gale, CEO of the market research and media firm Modern Distribution Management, join the conversation and register now to discuss the ideas most important to you and colleagues to help you lead your company forward to the best future possible.
To provide EPTDA Future Leader members an opportunity to learn, discuss and network with their peers, these virtual meetings in 2020 (July, October, November) will combine a small amount of presentation on a topic, and then group discussion. Attendees will be asked to provide their ideas and current challenges for the discussion. Guest speakers will be invited to share their knowledge with the group.